Monday, August 30, 2010

Ring update!

Steve gave me permission to post these.  He's just a wee bit excited to have his own ring. :)

ooooo pretty!

My Ering with his band....pretty uh?!

The last time I was in Cali we went to take a look at rings and had narrowed our choices down to 2 rings.  The one we didn't go with had a band of carbon fiber in the middle.  It was cool but this was the one he had been picturing in his mind of months.  Even more of a bonus was the store was having a rare sale so we snagged this beauty for a bargain!

We're both goofballs!  After leaving the store with it we kept sneaking peaks.  Steve wanted to out it with his watch collection but knew he would keep pulling it out to try it on.  LOL!!  Decided we'd better keep it in a safer place.  I'm sure he still checks on it from time to time to try it on. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Haha...not quite!  Last weekend I made my final trip to Cali before the big move.  So weird that the next time I'll be out there will be as RESIDENT!  WEIRD!

So the weekend was PACKED full of activities, mostly wedding fun.  :)

We kicked Thursday off with a trip to South Coast Plaza to do some registering.  Holy smokes talk about culture shock!  That mall is INSANE!  This Kansas girl doesn't think Tiffany's, Harry Winston, Cartier, Gucci, etc are mall stores.  I'm pretty sure I didn't see Old Navy anywhere or a JCPenney's.  I've seriously never seen anything like that in my life! 

After registering we headed to Laguna Beach for another round of engagement photos.  The photos are still out but here's some fun Steve and I had while waiting for the photographer to get in position:

Friday we kicked the day off by making a paying a visit to our friend Steven from Towne Jewelers (random info...Steven is the sales guy my Steve used for my engagement ring.  Towne Jeweler Steven has a girlfriend named Wendy...weird uh?!)  Lucky us hit a rare sale so we snagged Steve's wedding band.  WOOHOO!!!  It's official!  I'm putting a ring on that man! :) 
After our long excursion to the jewelers we took off to JoAnne's for our first DIY project....the aisle runner!  We ended up changing  our game plan but it worked out for the best.  Once we had our supplies we headed back to the house to get started.  This was a much larger project than either of us had anticipated but totally worth it in the end.

Saturday was a great day with 2 bright moments.  One...we got to see our cake toppers in person.  OMG I love them even more now than I did before!  Jenn totally nailed the idea!  She freaking rocks! 

Chillin with salsa :)

That evening we had the honor of checking out Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger, founding members of the Doors.  Absolutely AMAZING show!  The setting was a little odd but it was super cool regardless!

Sunday we spent trying to wrap up the aisle runner project, did some more shopping, and starting discussing honeymoon plans (reveal coming soon!).  All in all it was a fantastic weekend.  Not long enough but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!