Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beauty.... in the eye of the beholder...or so they say.

That's the topic of the week in my wedding world.  I knew from early on I would not be one of those lucky brides who would save mucho dinero by doing her own hair and makeup.  No, I am utterly hopeless at both.  If my hair isn't pulled up into my favorite messy hair and clip, its totally flat with the sides pulled back in a barrette.  Make up is a little more than barely there cause I have no clue what I am doing with the stuff.  This chicky needs professional help!

So professional help is what I am looking for!  I had envisioned having someone come to the hotel to primp us girls at our hotel however that is quickly becoming a distant dream.  The problem is in order to do hair/makeup for a handful plus of people you need a) lots of time and/or b) lots of hands.  I hadn't really given this much thought when we decided to get married at 10:30 in the MORNING!  Which means we don't have the luxury of time.  We're running a pretty tight ship.  This week I've been on the mission to find a salon that will open in the wee hours of the morning and accommodate the entourage.

Enough people really want to see the look don't ya?  Well here's what I'm thinking.  Please feel free to comment and tell me I'm off my rocker or cheer me on.

I love my hair!  Even though I don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing with it I still love it.  Short, long (especially long), dark, blond or red (yes I have been all 3 colors)...I love it.  Its fine and its thin but I don't care!  I like my hair!  I especially like it up!  So that's the direction I'm going.

(source...I don't remember where I found these photos. If you know where its from please let me know)

I don't wear much makeup so I a wee bit lost here.  I really like the whole smokey eye look but since we're doing a morning wedding I don't want to get too heavy with eye makeup.  I'm sure someone who knows what they are doing will have an easy compromise for this.

While in Denver at the end of the month I'll get to try out a couple of my favorite hair/makeup styles.  I have a couple of trails lined up.  Hopefully we'll find a winner! :)